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The Pitfalls of Automated SEO Audits

In the world of SEO, it’s no secret that generating leads and finding new clients can be challenging. Many professionals in the industry have turned to automated tools to help them identify sites that are performing poorly and need SEO help. 

One popular approach is to run a client’s site through an automated SEO checker, share the report with the potential client, and show them how poorly their site is performing. However, while this might sound like a great plan, it rarely works out the way you’d hope.

The Flawed Plan

On paper, using an SEO audit to identify sites with issues and offer to help them fix those issues seems like the perfect plan. There are countless sites out there that need SEO help, and clients are always looking for better rankings. 

They might even be paying someone for subpar results, and they don’t want to waste money. So, why not show them that there’s a problem and that you can help? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

The issue with this approach is that you’re asking someone to trust you and hire you based solely on a report generated by an automated tool. You have no relationship with them, and they have no reason to believe that you’re the right person to help them.

It’s like asking someone to marry you 10 minutes after meeting them at a bar – it’s more likely to come across as creepy than charming.

The Better Approach

So, what can you do instead? The key is to ask permission.

Instead of bombarding potential clients with a report they didn’t ask for, start by asking if they’d be okay with you running an automatic tool to identify any issues with their site’s SEO. 

You can explain that you’re doing this for people you think you can help and that there’s no cost involved. If they say yes, you can share the results with them and offer to have a conversation about how you can help. If they say no, that’s okay too – at least you’ve started a conversation and built a little bit of trust.

This approach works because it shows that you respect the potential client’s time and their autonomy. You’re not trying to force them into anything, and you’re being clear about your intentions. 

This same approach can work even better on people who already know you – just be sure to tailor your message to reflect the existing relationship.

At the end of the day, marketing and sales are about building relationships and connecting with people. While automated tools and reports can be helpful, they’re not a replacement for human interaction. 

If you want to succeed in the world of SEO, you need to be a real human being, not a robot. That means taking the time to build relationships, asking for permission, and being clear about your intentions. If you can do that, you’ll be able to attract clients and build a successful business.

And if you’re interested in more personalized coaching, schedule a coaching session with us today! Click here to book your appointment now.