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Start Your Client Meetings Like a Pro with This Simple Trick!

Have you ever struggled to start a client meeting? 

Do you often find yourself unsure of what to say or how to guide the conversation? 

 Well, I have just the solution for you!

Start your meetings with a clear purpose by using the simple phrase “The purpose of today’s meeting is…”

I know, I know, it sounds too good to be true. But trust me, it works! 

Here are two reasons why this approach works:

  1. It shows that you have a plan for the meeting.

Starting with a clear purpose demonstrates that you have a plan and helps clients or prospects feel confident that you are in control of the process.

  1. It helps the person you are meeting with to give you what you want.

By explicitly stating the purpose of the meeting, you give your clients or prospects clear expectations of what you need from them.
This can prevent surprises during the meeting and ensure that you get the information that you require.

If you want a copy of our Sales Meeting Starter Prompts, send me a DM and mention “Conversation Starters” so I know which video to send you.

Try this simple yet effective approach for your next meeting and see how it can improve the success of your conversations.