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The Importance Of Delegation In Business

Tell me if this sounds familiar….

You’re busy. (I mean really really busy.)  There’s a lot of different client work that you’ve got to manage, not to mention sales, sending invoices, and living life!

You feel like you’re one of those circus acts that are trying to keep all of the plates spinning.  

It’s so hard to keep up.

You’re trying to be as organized as possible.  You might even be using some kind of project management software (but you’re always on the lookout for something else that could help you do it better.)

You think, “if only I had better software, a better tool or system, I could keep track of everything better.”

You wouldn’t have clients getting cranky and impatient.  You wouldn’t feel like you’re dropping the ball and letting stuff fall through the cracks.  You would be able to provide even better results for your clients because that’s what you really want.  

Gosh.  It can feel like so much pressure sometimes.

I get it, and I’ve been exactly in this spot.

Let me give you something else to consider that might give you some room to breathe….

This is the exact moment my coach pointed out to me that I didn’t have a software/systems problem… I had a PEOPLE problem.

As in, I was trying to do it all myself.  

I had already optimized, improved, and leveraged tools in my agency.

It was time to bring on help.

Someone that could help me with the projects.   Someone that would be amazing at helping our clients.  Someone that our clients loved as much as I.

You might not know how to find that person, yet.   OR, it might feel like a ton of work to train someone else up on how to help you (if that’s possible at all.)

But I want you to know:


And it starts with you being open to the idea that it can be.  If we can send someone to the moon, I promise you, getting help inside of your agency is possible too.

That’s what I love about the Agency Coach community.

There are countless examples of people moving past the pain and struggles inside their business and using it as fuel to build a brighter future.

I’m writing this because I want you to know that I’m here to support you.

If you’re curious about how to get started with hiring or if you’re already in the process and need some help, you can apply for a call with our director of coaching. We’d be happy to help you get started.