
I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.

Ready to Grow Your Agency? Click here to apply.

Now, this might sound strange coming from a web designer/digital marketer, but…


I was making a big mistake by offering websites or traditional online marketing first.


They say it’s six times easier to sell to someone who is already a client than to someone you’ve never worked with before.

So, instead of starting with typical services, I sell a review & reputation management service that...

is so much more attractive to a local biz owner than websites for fb ads

… is easier to sell

… makes more money on the front end

… acts as a client magnet and

… is easier for a client to say “yes” to

I do this because the more people I get to say YES to this first service, the more people I can get into my other services.

This is a simple concept known as the value ladder.

Value ladder image

Reviews are something that’s so important to every business, and by providing actual service instead of reselling some software, I provide a ton of value.

The more people I get to say YES to my first step in the value ladder, the more revenue I bring in and the more clients easily ascend to my other services.

Today, my agency is a team of 20 people…

So, getting projects and keeping cash flowing is as important as ever.

If you’re at all frustrated by the process of finding clients…

Or you’re trying to figure out how to find clients who are willing to pay what you’re worth, register for my no-cost on-demand training.

It’s called, “How to Start A Super Successful Online Review Business and Get Clients Fast.”

Register here:

Specifically, I’m going to show you…

– How to structure your agency’s value ladder

– How to attract clients into the first step of your ladder

– How to get your clients to ascend your value ladder into your other services

The best part is, even if you don’t have other services to offer today, just selling this first step can be a very successful business. It opens the doors to partnering with agencies who provide those services.

This is a very valuable training and I want to make sure you don’t miss it.

I’ll also be giving you one of my favorite lead generation strategies.   You’ll be filling your sales funnel in no time.  

Register here:

Mike Schmidt