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The Secret to Achieving Agency Goals

When I talk to agencies that haven’t achieved their goals, it’s rare that it’s the knowledge that they lack.

Let’s face it.  There is SO much (maybe too much) knowledge available to us.

… Youtube videos

… Courses

… Facebook communities

… Podcasts

… even Reels and Tiktoks!

All of these things contain incredible information from the brightest minds out there. 

So, it’s not that people are not achieving their goals because they don’t have access to the right information.  I believe it’s just that most people don’t stick to a plan long enough to actually see results.  It’s about being accountable for our goals.

Here’s what I mean…

Most people give up at the gym after a matter of weeks because that six-pack they so clearly visualized isn’t appearing in the mirror in front of them.

Similarly, agencies slow down or give up after not seeing the results in their bank account or client activity.

So how do we remain more accountable to our goals?  This is often why some people join our coaching programs in the first place. But I’d argue that it’s not accountability itself that helps someone achieve their goals but more about WHY they want to achieve their goal in the first place.

WHY do you want a bigger agency?

WHY do you want more clients?

WHY do you want more money?

What are you going to do with a bigger company, more clients and more money?  What does that get you and WHY do you want it? 

I find those that don’t stick to their goals haven’t spent enough time connecting to why they want to achieve those goals.  

Simon Sinek in his book and famous TED talk says, “There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.”

Going after a goal without an “inspired why” is akin to manipulation.  Is there any question about why it is so hard to achieve our goals when it just feels like we are manipulating ourselves into going after a goal?

The bigger and more clear your WHY becomes, the easier it is to remain accountable and the more empowered you are to overcome the obstacles that show up.

It’s kind of like the movie, “The Goonies.” Mikey and his friends are trying to find One-Eyed Willy’s treasure.   They are seeking the treasure to help their parents and save their town.  How much easier would it be for Mikey and the gang to give up if they were just a bunch of money-hungry teens only seeking the treasure for their own gains?

Why you’re seeking your treasure matters.

If you want a bigger agency, more clients, or more money, define yours why.
We would love to help you connect with your “inspired why” and keep you on track to achieving your goals. Apply for a coaching call with our Director of Coaching and let’s get you on the path to success!