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How to Double Your Agency In 5 Moves

If you want to double your agency, how do you do it?

Here’s my plan.  I hope it helps you.

Growing any business is about having an influence over these 5 different variables.

1. Leads

2. Conversion Rate

3. Number of Transactions per Client

4. Average Dollar Sale

5. Margins

Let’s take an example.

100 Leads x 20% Conversion Rate means you’d have 20 Clients.

20 clients that buy from you 1 time and spend $5,000 means you have $100,000 in revenue.

With margins of 25% means you’d keep $25,000 in profits.

Easy, right?

Well, when most agencies set out to double their profits they make it entirely too hard on themselves.

Did you know that a megar 15% increase in each of these five categories will double your profits? Here’s what I mean…

… Your 100 Leads is now 115 leads

… Your 20% conversion rate is now 23%

… Your 1 transaction per client is now 1.15 transactions

… Your $5,000 average dollar sale is now $5,750

… And, your 25% margin is now is nearly 29%

Let’s see how the math shakes out…

115 Leads x 23% Conversion Rate means you now have 26 Clients.

26 clients that buy from you 1.15 times and spend $5,750 means you now have $165,313 in revenue.

With margins of 29% means you’d now keep $47,941 in profits!

My question to you is, do you believe a 15% increase in each of these categories is possible?  Most agencies overcomplicate this and try to grow their agency by focusing all their efforts on just one of these variables. Why make it so hard?

For example, in order to double your agency just focusing on the number of leads, you’d have to double your leads!  What’s easier… going from 100 to 200 leads or 100 to 115 leads?  The answer was obvious to me, and I hope that it is to you now too.

When I realized that incremental increases in all of these categories would result in the goal that I wanted, it became so much easier.

When you build you plan to increase your business, build a plan that impacts all 5 of these categories.  These 5 moves will double your agency.

Apply for a coaching call with our Director of Coaching. We’d love to help you implement these moves in your agency!