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Lack of Clients

Networking to get clients…. 

and, talking to people about my agency.

It was something I kind of dreaded.

But I was told if I wanted to grow a real business, I couldn’t hide behind my keyboard, waiting for it to happen.

Knowing this didn’t make it any easier…


I found it hard to talk to people about my business, and how I could help them.

In my mind, I was thinking…

… How do I bring up the fact their website sucks?

… Why will they hire me when it’s clear they are already working with someone else?

… How do I explain the power and ROI of Facebook ads or SEO in a quick conversation?

But, these were just stories…

And, I knew I had to get over it.

But how?

Here’s what I came up with…

First, I decided to stop putting pressure on myself to turn every conversation into a lead.

Instead, I made the goal to make sure everyone I spoke with just knew what business I was in.

Second, I decided I was going to use my time with them to leave them with one small marketing idea/tip that got them thinking about marketing.

It was about educating them, and giving free value.

That felt really good.

This shift turned worry and unproductive conversations into real business.

And, today, one of my favorite tips to spark a business into thinking about marketing is to talk about their online reviews…

I simply ask something like, “Quick question… Do you ever take reviews into consideration when buying a product or service for your business?”

(They almost always say yes or explain how they use reviews on Amazon personally.)

And, I follow up by saying, “How do you solicit reviews for your business so other people know they are dealing with a reputable company?”

(Most don’t have a good answer for this.)

Then, I go for the close and ask them for an opportunity to show them how I help businesses with this service.

This approach has been a big winner for my agency…

And, I’d like to show you more about this strategy in a how-to video I recorded.

Getting new clients doesn’t have to be difficult or frustrating…

It doesn’t have to be a struggle…

But, if what you’re doing isn’t working…

You do have to change your approach.

Let me show you my approach.

Mike Schmidt