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Standardize Your Services & Offerings

For many years I was selling snowflake projects but I just didn’t know it.  It was the source of a LOT of pain in my business. 

Say it with me: NO. SNOWFLAKE. PROJECTS.

Every snowflake that falls from the sky looks the same on the surface, but when you zoom in, each looks structurally different from the next.

The same can be said about web & digital marketing client projects.

It’s just Facebook Ads.

It’s just a Website.

It’s just a Social Media Marketing campaign.

Sure, they all look the same, but are they?

I see agencies bringing on clients with different project requirements for each of the clients they sell.  Every project is just a LITTLE BIT different from the last and as a result, it requires a lot of the agency owner’s personal knowledge and attention to deliver them successfully.

Imagine if every time a customer ordered lasagna at their favorite restaurant, the chef made a slightly different version of it.  Think about the inefficiencies in doing that.  But we do this to ourselves all the time.

For example..

… One Facebook Ads client is expecting 30 leads a month.

… Another is expecting 25, except they want them piped into their CRM automatically

… A third client wants their ads to link to the website when all your other clients are using ClickFunnels

… Yet another client wants their ads refreshed every 18 days.

Any one of these requests on its own is no problem.  But when you deliver projects in different ways for different clients, it compounds and adds up.  Keeping up with it all becomes impossible, drives you crazy, eats into your profit margins, and leaves clients wondering why you’re dropping the ball so much!

This is why I say NO SNOWFLAKES.

It can be easy to *think* that we have to agree to these variations in how we deliver client projects, otherwise, we risk upsetting the client or losing the deal.  BUT – this is not true.  Your clients crave reliability, and consistency because that’s what leads to a great customer experience and great results.

You need to streamline your offerings and simplify your services.  This is what I call creating simplified agency recipes. It’s something that you can follow over and over again. 

Say NO to snowflakes. 
Say YES to simplified agency recipes.

If you’re not sure how to do this, don’t worry. I’ve got you covered. You can apply for a coaching call with our Director of Coaching. We’ll help and show you exactly how to create these simplified recipes for your agency!