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The Power Of Objection Handling

I recently read something about ancient civilizations that blew my mind because of what I think it means about the sales objections that we think our clients have about hiring our digital agencies.

Check this out…

“Ancient civilizations had no word for the color blue. It was the last color to appear in many languages, including Greek, Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew. In The Odyssey, Homer describes the “wine-dark” sea. 

Does this mean, as this video by Tech Insider asks, that you really can’t “see something if you don’t have a word for it”?

That may be the case. The Himba tribe in Namibia has no word for blue. In an experiment, psychologist Jules Davidoff studied the Himba and concluded that without a word for a color, it is more difficult to differentiate that color from others.”

So, if NOT having a word for a color, means it’s hard to see…

Does that mean that having a word for color makes it easier to spot everywhere?

It could be.…

Here’s why that’s important.

I believe that the objections (reasons why clients won’t hire us) work the same way.

When I first got into selling, I was so worried about what the client would say after I gave them a proposal.

Would they like it?  Think it was good enough to hire me?

I’d spend much time just thinking about every possibility, every question, and the right answer to each.

And a funny thing happened.

The more often I worried about objections, the more often I got them.

The more I “named” the objection, the more often the client spotted it.

It turns out that in a lot of cases, I was the one bringing an objection up to the client that they would have never had.

OR (even worse)

I let the objection that I was imagining prevent me from selling to the client in the first place.

As soon as I stopped naming/worrying about what objections a client MIGHT have, that’s when a lot of them stopped.  Weird right?

Sometimes having a name for something like color is useful.  But as you can see in this case, it certainly wasn’t.

If you’re curious about how this applies to your business, or if you want to learn more about how to overcome objections you hear from your clients, we’d love to help.

Apply for a coaching call with our Director of Coaching. Let’s see how we can help you in your business.